Train Wreck (Rawkfist MC Book 3) Read online

Page 16

  Felix storms off again while I laugh with Otto and Matilda. One day, I’ll torment these two in the same way. For now, they remain my minions and protected from my bad attitude.

  A third Harley passes, and I don’t even recognize the guy. He’s probably one of Court’s new recruits. I don’t want to know about club business or learn names. I only want Emmett.

  The night before, he texted me to say Pat was missing and might have left the area. Emmett sounded excited, but I didn’t want to talk to him. I never realized how much I crave stability until I ended up dealing with his unpredictability. Until he can commit to us and I feel safe with his feelings, I’m stuck in limbo.

  I’m daydreaming about my adult problems when Otto says Emmett’s name. I glance up to find my stud riding by. Emmett doesn’t see me until the last minute and makes no gesture to acknowledge me. I’m ready to chase after him in Mom’s SUV so that I can force a hello. Oh, and I might run him off the road too, but mostly I want to be fricking acknowledged!

  To my surprise, he pulls a U-turn at the intersection and heads back to the DQ. I try not to worry about my hair or if I have eye gunk. I do lick my lips to erase any ice cream mustaches I might be sporting.

  “I’ll be right back,” I tell Otto and Matilda after Emmett parks and gets off his Harley.

  Strolling casually toward him, I ask disinterestedly, “Is something wrong?”

  Emmett gives me a great smile I feel straight to my panties-region.

  “Why you frowning, baby?” he asks, standing in front of me now while his fingers trace my jawline.

  “Didn’t you say something about it being better for us not to be seen together?”

  “I’m sure I did,” he murmurs, tugging at the seam of my cut-off top. “I say a lot of dumb shit.”

  “So you’re changing your mind then?”

  “Fuck, I’ve missed you,” he says, laying a needy kiss on my lips.

  Emmett tastes amazing, and I miss the heat of his body against mine. Despite all of my built-up hunger, I know we have an audience.

  “That’s enough,” I mumble, pushing him back.

  “You taste like ice cream.”

  “That’s because I’m eating ice cream.”

  I force my voice to remain hard and mean. Emmett hears my irritation and responds with his usual puppy dog pout. I hoped he’d get arrogant and tell me to bow to his man’s will. That would have kept me pissed, but his brokenhearted expression kills my resolve.

  “Didn’t you miss me?” he asks, cheating like the queef he is.

  “Not a lot.”

  “But some?”

  “I guess, a little.”

  “How much is a little?” he asks, fighting a smile. “Like more than this much?”

  I look at his fingers measuring an inch. “Less than that.”

  “What’d you miss the most?” he asks, playing with my hair. “Was it my fingers? Or my lips? Or something bigger like maybe the anaconda my jeans can barely contain?”

  “I missed your lips a little. Your fingers a tiny bit. Your anaconda not at all. I can live without being split in two for a while.”

  “Oh, you missed it. I can see in your eyes how much you want to be split in half right now.”

  “You’re not funny,” I grumble, refusing to smile even though his expression is killing me.

  “I’m not kidding. Let’s hang out tonight.”

  “I’m busy.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Hooking up with other men.”

  “No, seriously,” he says with a hint of anger. “Are you hanging with your family because I could come over and hang with them too?”

  “What makes you so sure I didn’t move onto the next guy as soon as you gave me your little speech?”

  “I’ve been stalking you, baby. If you found someone else, I’d have killed him already.”

  “Don’t go killing men I like.”

  “It’s not really up to me.”

  “Am I supposed to ask your anaconda not to kill men I like? Emmett, we agreed weeks ago that I wouldn’t have conversations with your dick.”

  “Not my dick, baby. My heart insists I kill anyone who sniffs around you.”

  “No one sniffs me except you,” I say, poking his hard, bare chest.

  “Poor naïve Poppy. So young and clueless.”

  “I’m ditching you now.”

  Emmett slides his fingers into the back pocket of my jean shorts. Tugging away from him, I try to walk away, but his grip is too strong. When I grunt and stand still, he takes my response as a win. Wrapping me in his arms, Emmett smiles against my cheek.

  “You look real pretty today.”

  “I look pretty every day.”

  “Not when you wear flowery dresses. I don’t know why, but those things creep me out.”

  “Well, then I guess I know what I need to wear to get rid of you.”

  “Naw, I won’t run. I’ll just strip you down and burn the dress.”

  Glaring back at him, I fight to remain irritated. “First, you’re killing men I like. Now you’re burning my dresses. What in the frick is wrong with you?”

  “I betcha my ma dropped me on my head. So when can I come over tonight?”

  Rolling my eyes, I shove my hip into his overly needy crotch. “I’ll be home around six, but don’t expect me to entertain you. After your speech, I got busy.”

  “I know you did, baby. I was stalking you, remember?”

  Relenting, I smile at how he nuzzles my throat with his lips. Emmett catches sight of my grin and his crotch returns to caressing my hip.

  Squirming free, I swear to myself that I’ll make Emmett earn his way back into my heart and bed. No way can he pull his “protecting me” games and then change his mind once his dick gets lonely. I’m a grown woman, and I will dictate the rules.

  Man, if my bullshit doesn’t sound fucking fantastic and easier than shit in my head. Too bad Emmett only needs to flash a smile to get my panties to hit the floor.

  36 Train Wrecks - Emmett

  The Earlham house is full of kids when I enter. They stop arguing over the remote control long enough to stare at me. I smile friendly enough, but they’re unimpressed and begin struggling for command of the power stick.

  “Poppy’s in her room,” Christine tells me while trying to broker a peace agreement between the feuding kids.

  I leave them to decide if they’ll watch another hour of Spongebob Squarepants or change it to something equally awful.

  Down a short hallway, I find Poppy’s door open a crack. Inside, she sits on the bed. Headphones on her head and a controller in her hands, she’s the sexiest geek.

  I watch her for a few minutes, admiring her shiny blonde hair and the slight burn on her bare shoulders. I think of kissing away the frown on her serious face. After spending too many days away from her, I plan to do more than kiss this woman.

  “Not now,” she says when I crawl onto the bed behind her.

  “Are you winning?”

  “No, or I’d be happy to stop. I believe in going out on top.”

  “I like being on top too,” I murmur, sliding my fingers up her tube top.

  Poppy glances at the door to find it closed. She then peeks back at me.

  “Did you really think you could come over here and we’d make the beast with two backs while my family was in the next room?”

  “Sure. They’re not paying attention. Besides, didn’t Court and Donovan stay over when they were dating your sisters?”

  “Donovan didn’t. Court did, but Justice was so freakishly quiet during their screw-a-thons that I suspect he used a ball gag on her. No way am I letting you stick one of those things in my mouth.”

  “I don’t want you to be quiet. Hell, I wouldn’t even know where to get a ball gag.”

  “From the porn store off the highway. Or order it from Amazon.”

  “Done your research, have you?” I ask, kissing her bare back.

  “I was thinking about b
uying one as a gag gift for Justice’s birthday but decided it might seem insensitive.”

  “That’s sweet of you.”

  “Not really. Her birthday was gonna fall during her period, and I couldn’t chance her freaking out and crying for hours afterward. I went the safe route, not the sweet one. Stop messing with my top.”

  “This top?” I ask, tugging it down in an easy motion. “Oops, I guess I better apologize to your tits.”

  Leaning around her waist, I suck a soft little nipple into my mouth and give it a nibble. Poppy moans in a strangled way. She’s still trying to play, but her body has other ideas. The more I suck at her tit, the less effort she puts into her game. Finally, I take the controller and set it aside.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” I whisper, removing the headphones and resting them with the controller. “You want me to fuck you, don’t you, baby?”

  Poppy stares at me with confused eyes, but she still nods. “I don’t want everyone hearing.”

  “I’ll keep you quiet. I promise.”

  Pressing her back on the bed, I latch onto her other nipple and make it as hard as the first. Poppy’s thighs spread easily for my teasing fingers. Her sweat shorts are loose enough for me to slide under the fabric and caress her warm pussy.

  “Emmett,” she whispers full of fear.

  I kiss her softly, promising I’m worth trusting. She wraps her arms around my neck and spreads her thighs wider as my index finger tests her slit.

  “Trust me,” I murmur.

  “What if the kids hear us and need therapy? I can’t deal with them bringing that up for the rest of their lives.”

  “They won’t hear anything. They’re focused on the TV, and I’m gonna keep your mouth busy.”

  Poppy tightens her grip on me while my index finger slides in and out of her. The faster my finger goes, the wider Poppy’s eyes become. Yet her muscles remain tight long after I tease an orgasm out of her.

  “See how quiet you were?” I ask, licking my finger clean before kissing her again. “Give me a big green light, baby, so I can strip out of these confines and give you a proper hello.”

  Poppy glances at her door and then reaches for the remote to turn off the Xbox.

  “I don’t want the guys hearing anything either,” she whispers, studying my face. “Green light, Emmett.”

  Tearing off my clothes, I’m desperate to slide inside her sweet pussy calling to me. Poppy watches me yanking at my shoes while she removes her tube top, shorts, and panties. By the time I crawl back over her, she’s buck naked and begging to be fucked.

  “My dick has missed you so much. I heard it writing poetry about your pussy the other night. It was super fucking romantic.”

  Poppy giggles and gives my dick a gentle tug. “You’re such a Don Juan. I really ought to only date you.”

  “Package deal,” I murmur, sliding my cock along her slit. “You want it then you need to endure me.”

  “I’ll manage.”

  Poppy closes her eyes as her pussy stretches wide for me. I love how her breath quickens, making her tits arch and nipples sharpen into little pink rocks. I can barely wait to fill her completely before my balls ache. Too long without her body has left me overstimulated.

  “I need to fuck,” I grunt like a dipshit.

  “Then fuck,” she moans, lifting her hips to meet my pace.

  The last few days have killed me. Poppy is mine, and pretending otherwise is bullshit. I need to stake my claim before she stops kidding about other men, and actually starts wondering if she can do better than the thug who currently owns her heart.

  37 Train Wrecks - Poppy

  Stretched out, Emmett takes up most of my bed. I run my fingers along his stomach to his nearly hairless chest. When his hands grab for me, I roll off the bed and out of his reach. I pull on my shirt and look for my panties on the floor. Unable to find them, I retrieve a new pair from my dresser.

  “How do I look?” I ask, yanking up my shorts. “Casual or like I was just nailed?”

  “You look like dessert. Come back over here,” he says, reaching for me again.

  “Stop it. I can’t have sex with the kids in the next room.”

  “You just did, baby. Did you miss the part when you were moaning like a wild woman behind my hand?”

  Rolling my eyes, I look at my reflection. “My face is so flushed they’re going to know.”

  “Kids don’t have dirty minds.”

  “Felix is a teenager, and Otto is a preteen. They’ll know, and they’ll judge me. I can’t have those twerps looking down at me.”

  “My sister got laid, and I knew she was getting laid, and I just figured she was a slut. You know what? I was right.”

  Resting my hands on my hips, I ask, “How is that helpful?”


  Rolling my eyes again, I fan my cheeks to cool them down. “I need to look normal like I do after I play online.”

  “All this whore talk is making me think I ought to email my sister and see if she’s stalking anyone lately,” Emmett says, stretching on the bed.

  I avoid looking at his muscled limbs or the monster between his legs. I won’t let myself lose control.

  “You want me to fuck you a little more, baby?” he asks, giving me a wink.

  “Never wink at me again.”

  Emmett doesn’t get my irritation at first. Once he remembers why I’m irritated, he winks at me again.

  “Don’t let yourself get hung up on that. Winking means I want to touch your pussy. Nothing more complicated.”

  Refusing to smile, I brush out my messy hair.

  “Tell me about your sister.”

  “I did. She’s a slut.”

  “And she was in prison?”

  “Everyone in my family ended up there except my mom. She’s too smart to get caught.”

  Still fanning my flushed cheeks, I ask, “Do you miss Charleston?”

  “No. It’s changed a lot. People are meaner, ruder. It’s not the relaxed place I grew up in.”

  “But you were always involved with the club, right?”

  “Yeah, but it was simpler back then. People wanted to get their grooves on. They were looking to get high or laid, and the club helped them get around the law. We made money, people were happy, and everything was chill. Now everyone is trying to kill each other, and the club got taken over by a few militia freaks. Naw, if my ma didn’t live there, I wouldn’t have a fond thought about that town at all.”

  Smiling at how much he loves his mother, I throw Emmett’s shirt at him. “Get dressed. There’s no way I can cool down if your dick keeps flirting with me.”

  Emmett grudgingly slides his clothes on, but he takes his time about it. I swear he’s pulling a reverse strip tease.

  “I don’t know why you’re making this so difficult,” I growl. “Stop being sexy.”

  “How?” he says, giving me a naughty smirk.

  “Ugly yourself up, will ya?”

  Messing up his wavy brown hair, Emmett asks, “Did that help?”

  “Now you look hotter, queef.”

  “I want to taste your pussy again.”

  Glancing at the door, I frown. “Stop talking dirty. People can hear.”

  “They're watching that Spongebob show. I doubt they even noticed I came in, let alone that you came three times.”

  Leaning forward, I growl, “Shut the frick up.”

  “Your lips say frick off, but your nipples are saying suck me, Emmett. Bite me a little too. Make me hard and then take that tongue down between the nice lady’s legs so my friend Pussy can enjoy you too.”

  I cross my arms, but the friction on my nipples only makes me want to take him up on his offer.

  “How long have you been in here?” I ask, looking at the clock. “Do you think it’ll be suspicious if we remained in here a little longer?”

  “No, not at all,” Emmett murmurs, dropping his pants. “How fast can you spread your pussy for me?”

  “You said
my tits would get some attention too. Were you lying to them?”

  “Never,” Emmett says, lifting my shirt back over my head. “They taste like sweet candies.”

  Emmett lifts me up and latches onto my left tit, sucking it until I’ve lost the will to do anything more than submit to his every desire.

  38 Train Wrecks - Poppy

  As usual, Justice is an insecure dummy desperate to prove her relationship with Court is the best ever. Well, I’m an even more insecure dummy, so I must prove even more how my relationship with Emmett is better than her best.

  Like doting mothers, we feed our men fries and then wipe their mouths. Sitting nearby in the restaurant, Journey and Donovan share unimpressed frowns before returning to eating fries like healthy adults.

  “You’re my girl,” Emmett says when I wipe his mouth.

  “I know, but we need to prove it to the entire world.”


  “I don’t know,” I say, wrapping one of his wavy locks behind his ear. “I was born competitive with Justice. It’s all I know. Now shut up and allow me to embarrass myself.”

  Emmett grins while his hand curves around my waist, wrapping me closer to him.

  “I love how your family brings out the best in you.”

  “Words are not your friend right now. Silence is much sexier.”

  Emmett cups my head and pulls me tighter for a kiss. I taste ketchup and lust, making me hungry and horny at the same time.

  “What’s wrong, Mom?” Justice asks, sounding panicked enough to awaken me from my food versus sex struggle.

  Holding her phone in one hand, Mom leans against the booth as if to hold herself up. I hurry to her side before Justice can comfort our mother.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask tenderly, caressing her pale face.

  “They finally went too far,” Christine mumbles to herself. “I knew this would happen. I warned them, but they never listen.”

  “What happened?” Journey asks, taking Mom by the shoulders and maybe ready to slap some sense into her.

  “Your grandparents are idiots. That’s what happened.”