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Damaged and the Outlaw Page 2
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“Someone needs to take care of the drunks,” I said, gesturing towards Maddy and Tucker. “I guess that someone is you.”
“Why me?” she balked.
“He’s your brother.”
“That’s not my fault.”
“Well, it’s even less my problem.”
“But I want to go to the fight.”
“You only wanted that starting five minutes ago. You’ll recover from the disappointment. The winos over there can’t drive themselves home.”
“No,” she whined. “I won’t do it. I’m nice, but not self-sacrificing nice.”
I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “If you take them to their place and keep them drunk, you can get them to do stupid stuff while you videotape. Just think of the blackmailing possibilities.”
Bailey’s blue eyes lit up then she sighed. “I’m nice now. I can’t do stuff like that because of my kind heart and shit.”
“Dumpling, you can’t be nice twenty four seven. If you don’t act like a bitch every once in awhile then you’ll burn out. Look at Tawny. She’s nice most of the time, but she also won’t let Judd come out and play with me. That’s a bitch move right there.”
Bailey rolled her eyes. “You’re so immature. Get a new friend.”
“Think of it this way. I’ll be dead sooner than you will, so I need to have more fun than you do. Tonight, I’ll have fun not babysitting drunks while you suffer by making them doing weird shit while taking pictures. I bet you could get Maddy to draw on Tucker’s face again.”
Bailey sighed. “Okay, but Raven won’t fuck you. She’s sworn off losers. You’re not her type.”
“Stop calling me a loser. I have feelings, you know?”
Bailey laughed at my feigned hurt feelings. She continued laughing as she herded the drunks out the door. When I walked to the parking lot, she was still laughing. As I drove away, she had the drunks pointing and laughing too. Nice might be tricky for Bailey, but she had the bitch thing down pat.
Riding to Thunderdome, I doubted Raven would be much fun. I’d avoided her because of her reputation as a man-eater and I didn’t need another chick hassling me. While Bailey was obnoxious, she was like a kid sister.
Raven would give me something pretty to look at and I was bored. One cool fact about Ellsberg was the college. Every year, new girls arrived and most were looking for a wild time with a guy riding a Harley. No strings, no expectations. They wanted to fuck a bad boy then go steady with some dork in their Trig class. This setup worked just fine for me.
Summer meant most of the college chicks had returned home and it’d be months before new freshman arrived looking to ride me and my Harley. Until they came giggling to town, I needed a diversion. Hell, with the Devils making trouble lately, I suspected I might not be around for those curious freshmen anyway.
Tucker was an idiot and he ruined the foursome boys’ club by losing his balls. Even though I resented him, I had to applaud the Thunderdome idea. He turned an old equestrian arena into a cage fighting stadium. One of my favorite activities on the weekends was watching fights break out in the bars. I always found professional bouts too scripted and the fighters too talented. I wanted to watch chumps beating each other in random stupid ways. Tucker gave me just that sort of mayhem.
Every time I came to the Thunderdome, it was packed. Even with so many of the town’s population home for the summer, the stands remained filled. People came from around the state to bet on fighters. I never wasted my money, since I was only there for the spectacle.
So far, I’d been to one girl fight and that was enough for me. I had no issue with combining women and violence. In my job, I could be a cold fuck. Besides, these chicks were paid to smack each other around. No, I was more freaked out by the guys around me and their reaction to the violence. Being surrounded by horny men didn’t interest me, so I stayed away. Tonight, I would endure the aroused freaks in the stands.
The first fight was lame. An uncoordinated chick fighting the black girl I saw from before. It was clear how one could fight and the other couldn’t which resulted in a play fight. They danced more than fought. Finally, the black chick knocked the other one down and the uncoordinated chick stayed on the ground.
Next, Raven appeared in gym shorts, a wife beater, and blonde hair wild around her face. Taller than little Lark, she was curvy in the right places, toned in the others. Pouty lips turned into a frown, she looked bored maybe. Even from my spot in the stands, I could see how fair her eyes were. I found myself wondering how she looked when smiling.
Her opponent was a tiny redhead with raccoon eyes and teased hair. She wore what looked like superhero pajamas. I didn’t think the fight would last long.
I wasn’t wrong either.
What started as another lame girl fight turned violent when raccoon eyes bit into Raven’s hand. The blonde nailed the hungry chick in the face and the crowd went wild. After Raven stormed off while the redheaded chick was dragged out by two guys, I tried to catch up with my target.
Tucker’s guy said she was changing. When Axel came back, he said she was gone. Maybe I looked pissed and close to violence because he got babbly. Axel said she went for a drink and the fight girls liked Tequila Jodi’s.
Leaving him to change his pants, I strolled to my Harley and hoped to catch up to Raven. At this point, I wondered if all my effort was worth the outcome. An abstaining ice princess with violent tendencies meant I was more likely to get kicked in the balls than laid. Either way, I was too far into the chase to give up.
Chapter Three - Raven
Arriving at Tequila Jodi’s, I found the parking lot nearly empty. Inside the Key West flavored bar, a few old timers in the corner played cards while talking about pussy they likely hadn’t seen in a few decades. At least, not for free.
In the opposite corner were a few college girls moping in their beers. They looked up when I entered then glanced at the bar where I found Beavis and Butthead. Having shot down the losers, they wanted to warn me that I was next on the perverts’ radars. I gave the girls a nod then hopped onto the stool.
Glancing at the losers, I noticed them grin in unison. I couldn’t imagine their plan. Was I supposed to hook up with them both or choose between Dumb and Dumber? Ignoring their lame smiles, I ordered a beer and looked at my hand.
I couldn’t believe the little dipshit bit me during the fight. After all her whining about me not hurting her before the big picture day, she gnawed at my hand like a rabid dog. Stupid bitch was going to look like shit in her pictures. I’d made sure to nail her square in the nose to give her two black eyes. Even getting my revenge, I couldn’t believe how much my hand hurt.
Two beers later, the pain was better and I no longer hated the chick. I even hoped she hid the black eyes I gave her when she tried to eat me. As I settled into a booze-induced good mood, the lame fucks at the end of the bar scooted closer. I was ready to tell them about the gun I was carrying when their focus turned towards the door
Following their gazes, I saw Vaughn Majors in all of his hot shit glory. Guys like Vaughn were vain in the best way. His powerful shoulders and chest demanded an extra large tee to fit comfortably. Of course, an extra large shirt would hang loose over his ripped stomach. What could he do? Simply buy a large tee so it clung to his every sexy curve. Hell, I could probably see a mosquito bite under such a tight shirt. His vanity gave me quite the view.
Hotter than sin, Vaughn was a shining example of the wrong guy. He intimidated men when he wasn’t dampening the panties of every chick in the room. He walked to the bar like he was ready to hit someone then fuck a random chick to celebrate his win.
I’d been impressed since seeing him in passing when he came by the house to talk to the Johanssons. Having avoided him since then, I planned to do so again. Sexy and up to no good was exactly the kind of man I needed to abstain from. Of course, he walked directly to where I sat and took the stool to my right.
“Lark’s sister.”
er’s peon.”
A grinning Vaughn tapped the bar to get the bartender’s attention. Once he had a beer, his gaze returned to me.
“Saw you fight. Little bitch bit you, huh?”
After showing him my hand, I forced my gaze to my drink and away from his bright blue eyes.
“The biters are the worst,” I muttered. “So you like watching chicks wrestle. Typical.”
“Bailey wanted to come,” he said, adjusting on the stool so he was sitting even closer. “She misses punching people.”
“I don’t blame her.”
As Vaughn studied my face, I acted like I didn’t care. It wasn’t easy though with his maleness so damn intoxicating. Yet, I was abstaining specifically from guys like him.
“I bet you’re a real heartbreaker,” he said, giving me a nearly irresistible smile.
“I’ve never broken a single heart,” I admitted. “I’ve broken more than a few noses and stomped on several ball sacks though.”
Vaughn’s grin widened. “Let me buy you a drink.”
“I have a drink.”
“Fine. Let me take you to a booth and sweet talk your sexy ass into my bed tonight.”
“I’m abstaining from fucking guys like you.”
“Guys like me? You mean, sexy bastards that’ll make you scream their names?”
“Yeah, basically.”
As he slid a bit closer, I caught a whiff of his cologne. Smelling like chocolate, the scent was bait to any self-respecting woman. Like a moth to the flame, I had the worst urge to give him a lick and get a taste.
“Why don’t we just talk then?” he said soft and seductive. “We share friends. Let’s get acquainted, so it won’t be awkward at the crew get-togethers.”
“It’s what Tucker calls the group. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but most of the crew is hooked up with someone. If we’re going to play solo, we might as well become friends.”
“I don’t have guy friends. Just don’t believe in it. The only thing men have to offer is what I’m abstaining from.”
A smirking Vaughn took my drink and gestured towards the nearby empty booth. “You and I are in the same boat with the crew. So I guess you’re going to have guy friends whether you like it or not.”
Despite my brain screaming for me to run from the bar and never look back, I followed Vaughn to the booth. He leaned back and stretched out his long legs.
“This is nice. Two friends being friendly,” he said.
Rolling my eyes, I sipped my drink and ignored his cocky smile.
“How long has it been?” he asked, tapping my sandal with his boot. “The abstaining thing.”
Crossing my arms under my tits, I tightened them and pushed up the girls for him to admire. I always loved teasing boys.
“I bet you’ve banged a girl recently. Like I could probably smell her on you, if I got close enough,” I grumbled, remembering how he smelled like chocolate and I had a sweet tooth. “You’re likely crawling with germs.”
Instead of finding offense, Vaughn watched me in a weird way. His lids lowered as the corners of his mouth lifted. A sly look on his face, Vaughn ran his tongue along his top teeth.
“I have a system,” he said softly. “After I hook up with a random chick, I shower with a big bottle of Purell. One of those economy-sized ones.”
Even smiling, I kicked his foot away from mine. “I’m a bath person myself. Just fill up the tub with really hot water then toss in a cap of bleach plus a few bubbles and I’m set.”
“Gotta have bubbles,” he said in a deep low voice.
“What are you doing?”
Vaughn shook his head, yet his gaze held mine. “Just admiring your beautiful smile.”
Rolling my eyes again, I sighed. “Lame.”
“I know. I really do. I use that line a lot, but it’s true with you. That smile changes your face. Makes you less sex kitten and more angel.”
“I’m no angel.”
“What a relief. I don’t like good girls.”
“I didn’t say I was bad.”
Vaughn sucked at his lower lip and sized me up with those eyes. “You didn’t have to, kitten.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Sugar?” he said, grinning brighter now. “Your sister didn’t like my nickname for her either.”
“Why would you give my sister a nickname?”
“Don’t be jealous. I like giving girls nicknames. Even girls I don’t want to spend time inside.”
“I can’t believe those lines ever work.”
“They don’t. Girls are drawn to my looks, not my personality.”
Snorting, I begged myself to stop smiling. “And you’re proud of this fact?”
“I’m proud of very little, pumpkin.”
“Keep trying.”
When Vaughn spotted someone and his smile faded, I followed his gaze to Beavis and Butthead.
“You’re insecure,” I said, kicking his foot lightly. “I find that sexy in a guy. Too bad I’m abstaining.”
Vaughn finally returned his gaze to me where it mellowed. “Why abstain exactly?”
“I told you.”
“If these past guys were losers, seems like you could just abstain from relationships. Why abstain from fucking? You frigid?”
“Yes, very much so.”
“I sense that about you,” he said, giving me a sly grin. “Betcha couldn’t handle a guy like me.”
“Reverse psychology. Really? I expected more from you.”
“I do what I need to.”
“Fuck another girl. There are a few hot ones in the corner.”
“Saw them then I saw you. Now, I can’t look away.”
Vaughn laughed a genuine laugh. No games or come-ons. I’d actually made the guy giggle like a bitch.
“You’re really abstaining? Even from a chance to enjoy all this?” he asked, waving his hands around to show off his strong chest and hard stomach. “I’m the real deal. Not wearing a girdle to hold in the gut or anything.”
Vaughn lifted his tee to show off his stomach and I nodded my approval.
“Nice, but I’m abstaining.”
“Why from the sex? Do you think you can’t screw a guy without falling in love? Are you that weak?”
“Stop playing your Jedi mind games on me.”
“Jedi?” he asked, giving me a frown. “Wait, are you a nerd?”
“No, but I assumed you were. There’s an arrested development vibe about you. Like you play a lot of video games and get horny for Lt. Uhura.”
“Oh, hell, you are a Star Trek nerd.”
“No,” I said, taking a gulp of beer. “I had a stepdad who was into that crap. He had all these nerd friends who came over and they’d talk about the show as if it was super cool. The only time I found Star Trek even remotely interesting was when they had the episode on Futurama about it.”
“Sure, nerd.”
“I like that nickname. Stick with it.”
“I’m not sure you really fit the nerd stereotype.”
“And you don’t fit the manwhore stereotype. For one thing, your pick up lines are awful.”
When Vaughn laughed again, he seemed different. Less like an animal on the prowl and more like a guy chatting up another member of the crew. I didn’t buy it though. The guy wanted in my panties. I wanted him in them too. Sitting there drinking our beers, I wondered how he would make it happen when I was sticking with my abstinence plan.
The stress of wanting what I couldn’t have made me crave something else I couldn’t enjoy. Reaching into my bag, I found my nicotine gum and popped a piece into my mouth.
“Not going to offer?” he asked, tapping my foot in his weird attempt at foreplay.
“It’s Nicorette.”
“I gave up smoking years ago.”
Rolling my eyes, I kicked his foot away. “How long could you have smoked if you gave it up years ago?”
“I was a pack a
day smoker for four months. The best quarter of a year of my life.”
“Idiot,” I said, grinning at him.
“Giving up smoking and fucking at the same time. Do you have a reason to punish yourself like that?”
“I’m a horrible person.”
“I can see that. Look at how you’re breaking my heart over here.”
Bursting into laughter, I begged, “Please, fucking stop. Your shitty lines are making me want to smoke more.”
“Because they make you so horny?” he asked, already laughing before he finished. “I know they’re making me pretty hard.”
“What’s your game plan here, stud? Harass me until I fuck you? I think I’d rather just nail you in the balls and make a run for it.”
“Sex is relaxing, you know?” he said, grinning in his devious manwhore way.
“I know.”
“Why not just fuck someone and stay away from the crappy relationship stuff? It’s what I do.”
“How do I know I won’t blow your mind and you’ll become a clingy bitch?”
“I think I’ll be fine.”
“Can’t trust it.”
Vaughn leaned back in the booth and sized me up. While we enjoyed our beers and he devised a new game plan to get me naked, I admired everything I would have access to if we made it to bed. Those wide shoulders, strong chest, full lips, I wanted them all.
Hanging from a silver chain around his neck, a dagger shined in the light of the bar. I swore the damn thing was winking at me, so I looked away and focused on his hands. Quickly, I imagined his strong fingers exploring my body. Heat rushed over my body and nuzzled the spot between my legs. Even pretending I was unimpressed, I wanted Vaughn to win this battle.
“Look, you and I are in the same boat,” he said softly. “We’re loners in the crew. Unlike Bailey, we don’t want to hook-up for good. We just want to let off some steam. We could be friends with benefits.”
“Fuck buddies, huh?”
“I like your term better,” Vaughn said, giving a flash of anger at the men still eyeing us. “I might need to leave you, so I can kick their asses.”
“I think I can manage without you.”
“Was that a masturbation hint?”
“No, but you bring up a very good point. I could blow off steam on my own.”