Train Wreck (Rawkfist MC Book 3) Page 20
“What about your dad?”
“I can see him on Skype. I can play games with you guys online. There’s no reason to leave my home.”
“What about a career?”
“I don’t have the urge to do anything particular, not even be the manager at Burger King.”
The guys give me disapproving frowns, and I don’t blame them. Tumbling Rock is a dead-end for them. Not many available, or interested, women. Few well-paying jobs. And no shortage of people who will always view them as the dweebs they’ve been since puberty.
They need to break free of this town and their old reputations. For me, I’d be nobody without Tumbling Rock. This town has everyone who makes me, well, me, and I’m never planning to leave.
44 Train Wrecks - Poppy
When I first saw Thor, I believed we’d be together forever. That was the kind of naïve kid thinking I had back then. I’d even pictured me hauling my kids and groceries in the green monstrosity. I love Thor so much, but he and I just aren’t meant to last.
After lunch with the dweebs, I drive to Jared’s auto shop. Today, I already accepted how my friends will never be my friends in the same way now that they’re leaving for college. Since I’m accepting hard truths and ripping off Band-Aids, it’s time to tell Thor goodbye.
“Do you think anyone would buy him?” I ask Jared when he joins me in the back lot.
“A guy said he’d give you five hundred for the parts.”
“He’s a beautiful beast, but his last owner rode him too hard, and there’s no fixing what got broken.”
“That’s real poetic, but it’s just a truck, Poppy. You can buy a newer one that’ll get you from point A to point B without breaking down. No reason to get so sentimental.”
“Heartless bastard,” I say, glaring at him for as long as possible before laughing. “Your face is funny when I call you names.”
“So you really ready to get rid of the clunker?”
“Don’t call Thor that, but, yeah, it’s time to focus on buying something drivable, so I can stop mooching off Mom.”
“She doesn’t mind when you mooch.”
“I know that she’s a sweetie, but I need to grow up and leave my first love behind.”
Jared rolls his eyes. “I’ve wanted to ask you something for a while, and I figure this is the time. So how come you named your big green truck after Thor instead of The Hulk? If you wanted to name it after an Avenger, I’d think the big green one makes more sense.”
“Yeah, but Thor is hotter, and this truck is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.”
“You’re a weird kid.”
“Sure, sure, Jared. Like you don’t have sexy fantasies about your damn Harley.”
“Sure, but it’s a Harley,” he says like I’m being an idiot.
Now I roll my eyes. “Harleys aren’t what’s sexy. It’s who’s riding them. That’s what Mom says.”
“She says that, huh?”
“Yeah, now before you get arrogant and start showing me your muscles, can you deal with the guy who wants Thor’s innards? Call me sentimental, but I can’t bear to think of him torn apart.”
“I’ll handle the sale. What kind of car are you thinking about getting? If it’s used, I can help you get a good deal at a few places.”
Smiling, I pat his arm. “You’re a good step-dad.”
“I know. I have the patience of Job.”
“Don’t ever tell your grandparents you don’t know who Job is. They’re hardcore fake Christians and will stone you.”
“They’ll try, but I’m younger and sneakier. If anyone ends up dead, it’ll be the old geezers.”
“Don’t underestimate those two. I heard they killed a burglar and ate him for Sunday dinner.”
“Yeah, I heard that rumor too,” I say, walking away. “That was back around the time I started it.”
Having been the target of many of Zeb and Coretta’s tirades, Jared laughs his ass off about my rumor. I don’t blame him. If someone tormented me for as long as they had him, I’d want more than a few rumors swirling around as revenge.
45 Train Wrecks - Poppy
Emmett has a song in his head, and he won’t stop humming it all of the way to Cracker Barrel. He smiles at me when we arrive at the restaurant. Kissing my forehead, he’s a picture of happiness. When I won’t let go of his hand as Felix tries walking between us, Emmett gets that cocky look I swoon over. My man knows I’m stupid in love with him. Felix knows now too since he nearly falls on his ass trying to cause trouble.
“Your hormones are writing checks your tiny, weak body can’t cash,” I tell Felix who flips me off.
Laughing, I finally let go of Emmett so that I can chase Felix around the parking lot. I’ve got the kid pinned to Journey’s SUV when Mom and Jared arrive.
“Smell my pits, Felix. Smell them until you can track my scent through the woods like a big stupid dog.”
“Your whore breath is distracting from your pits,” he says, laughing and wiggling like a dying fish. “Let me go, Princess Snatch.”
Now I’m laughing and no longer interested in him sniffing the pits. Oh, no, I’ve got a hankering for tickling. Felix is super sensitive in the gut region. I let up just long enough for him to catch his breath before I torture the kid again. Only Court playing killjoy stops my good time.
“You’re an adult,” he says, peeling me off his kid. “Act like one.”
“Your wife will make you pay for that comment.”
Court glances at Justice who is considering whether he just insulted her by declaring adults should behave as such. This is a woman who earlier today refused to use words and would only bark her responses. In her defense, the family dogs get a lot of attention, and she was feeling unloved.
I leave Court with his stinky teenager and hurry to Emmett inside the restaurant. My man is already sitting down, having claimed us a seat at one end of the long table. I cuddle next to him, sharing a play-by-play of how I made Felix my bitch.
“You’re like one of those energy drinks,” Emmett murmurs against my ear. “You make everyone wilder and better in every way.”
I caress his cheek and stare into his big brown eyes. Screw all the noise around us. I’m alone with this man in a world of our own.
Journey plops Ike into my lap, startling me from my crazy stunned staring. I look at the little bugger drooling all over my shirt.
“You’re my favorite kid,” I whisper to him.
Ike’s slobbery hands touch my face, coating me in shiny goo. Emmett laughs and high-fives the toddler who leaves behind more drool on my man.
“Teething is wild, ain’t it?” I ask a smiling Ike. “You’re such a happy baby.”
Journey sits nearby, watching me. I instantly know why we’re at Cracker Barrel for dinner. Holding her gaze, I smile so widely I hurt my cheeks. She knows I know and sighs excitedly.
I bounce Ike on my lap while Journey works up the courage to make her announcement. She isn’t normally the timid type, but Justice just announced her pregnancy a month ago. No one wants to steal the middle Earlham child’s thunder, but I can’t imagine anything cooler than two pregnant sisters and two new babies in the family.
“Before everyone starts ordering country fried steaks, I wanted to say something,” Journey says, placing a hand on Donovan’s shoulder.
When the kids keep chatting, Jared clears his throat loudly. Grandpa looks good on the mustached biker. Once the youngest family members shut their mouths, we turn our gazes to Journey.
“It wasn't planned, but it wasn’t not planned either,” Journey says to Justice more than anyone else. “Donovan and I are having another baby.”
The family doesn't turn to Justice in unison. The kids and men likely don’t think it should be a problem. The guys congratulate Donovan on his successful sperm while we women wait for Justice’s reaction.
“When are you due?” Justice asks, standing up and walking to Journey.
bsp; “About a month after you.”
Even flinching at the sound of Justice’s squeal, I quickly rebound and hand Ike to Emmett, so I can join my bouncing sisters.
“We’re going to be preggers together!” Justice cries, hugging Journey. “We’ll get fat together and shop for baby clothes together and prepare our nurseries together!”
“I feel left out,” I whine next to them.
They wrap me into the hug, and we bounce together.
“Your babies will start school at the same time!” I point out, and they bounce faster. “And they’ll always have a little friend around.”
“What if they don’t like each other?” Felix asks.
Glaring at him, I growl, “Shut up, kid, or feel the wrath of my pits.”
“Not a good time for honesty?” he asks.
“Why would they not like each other? My sisters are my bestest friends ever. It’s in our blood to be tight with our family, you big queef.”
When Felix rolls his eyes, I can’t deny he possesses a talent for teenage brattiness.
Back to bouncing, I hug Journey. “I hope you have a girl, and name her something good.”
“I’m thinking Edith.”
“Oh, well, another boy would be great too.”
Journey messes up my hair and then smiles at Justice. “You’re cool with this?”
“I was so scared to be preggers. I knew you would be there for me, but I couldn’t sleep some nights worrying about stuff. I suddenly feel calmer than I have since the test came back positive. My big sis and I are doing it together.”
My sisters hug each other for another few minutes while I return to Emmett and Ike.
“I’m jealous,” I tell him.
“Don’t worry. Ike is cute, but you're still my favorite person in the world.”
Grinning, I lean against his shoulder and wipe Ike’s slobbering mouth. “I mean I’m jealous of them being pregnant together. I feel left out.”
“No worries. I'll ditch the condoms and put a baby in you tonight.”
“Just like that?”
“Sure, why not? I got the woman I want. We’re married in the eyes of nature and the moon. I’m getting rid of the house and moving in with you. We got a family started already, so why wait if you don’t want to?”
“Your kid is gonna be so handsome. I wonder if he’ll drool this much?”
Emmett grins at Ike gnawing on his finger. “Our kid will have a big mouth, so, yeah, I bet he’ll drool something crazy.”
“You said ‘he.’ Why assume it’ll be a boy?”
“Ma said I’ll have a couple of sons. She dreamed that years ago, and I always assumed it was gonna happen.”
“You love your mom so much,” I tease him, digging into his gut. “I hope our kids love me half as much as you do her.”
“Oh, they will. You’ll be a fun mom, but you’ll have rules.”
“I’ll be my mom, and she’s the absolute best.”
Emmett pats my leg. “You say that because you don’t know my mom.”
Caressing his hand, I smile. “There’s no talking to a mama’s boy like you, so I won’t try.”
Emmett kisses me softly before his teeth nip my lower lip. I know what that hint of pain promises once we’re alone later.
For now, we keep our hands to ourselves and focus on my happy sisters. Mom moves from her spot with Jared and sits for the rest of dinner between Journey and Justice. They’re a ball of enthusiasm, and I’m giddy at the thought of them getting fat and gorgeous.
46 Train Wrecks - Emmett
Poppy makes my dick rage against my jeans. Oblivious to what she does to me, she dances around her room wearing only a towel. Journey’s announcement and all the bouncing they did at the restaurant left her in a great mood.
I can think of nothing better than making a family with this woman. Waiting doesn’t occur to me. Fuck, I’m ready this very second to work on our own announcement at the Cracker Barrel.
“I want a baby with you.”
Glancing back at me, Poppy grins. “I know you do.”
I move so fast that she yelps when I sweep her off her feet. Resting Poppy on the bed, I pin her with my body.
“I’m gonna fuck a baby in you tonight.”
Smiling, Poppy flicks my nose. “Stop threatening my vagina.”
“How would you rather I say it?”
“How about you’re gonna shower my baby-making garden with your bountiful seed until one of them takes root and grows into a mighty stalk to be harvested in nine months?”
“Doesn’t really roll off the tongue, baby,” I say, using my knee to pry open her thighs.
“No, but it’ll lull my vagina into thinking it’s in for a good time rather than getting plowed now and torn in half when your monster baby is born.”
“I like how afraid you look when you say ‘plowed.’ Does that make me an asshole?”
“Yes, but I need an asshole to offset my bitch. I’m not looking for a poor suffering clod that’ll wilt from my big mouth.”
“Your mouth makes me so hard.”
“Everything makes you so hard.”
“Only if the ‘everything’ involves you. Last week, I saw a chick bend over and, no shitting you, she was flashing pubes from her tiny shorts. I swear my dick didn’t so much as even twitch in appreciation. My only thoughts were I didn’t want you wearing such short shorts or bending over around men. It’s all about you.”
“That’s why we’re married.”
“Yeah, but I want to make it official. I want everything with you now. Seeing your sisters rubbing their stomachs made me want that for you too.”
Poppy lowers her towel, just enough to give me a view of her perky tits. “I wish you could carry the baby and do all the hard work.”
“I know,” I whisper in her ear, “but you got a way with babies. You’ll be the best mom.”
Poppy gives me a serious look while cupping my face. “Don’t pull a move like your dad and leave me.”
“I’m not my father. He can live without my ma. No way can I survive without you.”
A smile warms her face and she spreads open her towel. My jeans end up somewhere in the closet after I toss them aside. Once we’ve removed the barriers between our bodies, I commence my plan to make a little Emmett inside my woman.
47 Train Wrecks - Poppy
For weeks, I’ve avoided telling my dad about Emmett and me. Paul Adams isn’t a spontaneous man, and he doesn’t appreciate surprises. No doubt the wildest act in his life was marrying a hot woman with two rowdy daughters. Once he did so, Dad pretty much gave up on taking chances.
When his face appears on my laptop screen, I’m relieved by his relaxed expression. I don’t need him tossing a dramatic fit, not when I’m sporting a bit of a hangover from the night’s festivities.
“What’s up?” he asks immediately. “You look excited.”
“I am, Dad! I married a biker from Jared’s club, and now I’m trying to make a giant baby with him. So how are you?”
“Are you drunk?”
“Don’t be silly. I’m too young to drink legally, and I’m a big fan of the law. In fact, I loved the law before all the posers joined the bandwagon. Some might say I was ahead of my time.”
“Tell me you’re not married,” Dad asks, ignoring my babble.
“So lie then? Are you sure that’s what you want? I only ask because lying makes me sad.”
“I married Emmett Mercer under the moonlight. It was a small affair with only a few close reptilian friends in attendance.”
“I want to talk to your mother.”
“Last I checked, she was sitting on Jared’s lap. By now, I doubt she’s currently dressed, so she might not pick up your call.”
Dad runs a hand over his nearly bald head. “What happened to college?”
“I decided to go redneck woman instead. I’m even thinking of getting a tattoo with an arrow pointing to my vagina, so my kids will
know where they came from.”
“This is madness. I’m going to come down there and find out what’s happening.”
“Cool, but I need to warn you how Jared’s the kind of territorial guy who jizzes up a place. The smell isn’t bad, but it’s sure sticky around here.”
Hearing Jared’s name again kills the conversation for a minute. Dad thinks about meeting the man whose shadow he lived under for his entire marriage. I watch the confidence drain from his face.
“Tell me about this guy,” he finally asks.
“Emmett is great. He’s big and mean but also sweet and smart. He’s funny too, Dad. Oh, and he loves me just the way I am. He thinks I’m smart and funny which I am, but he also thinks I’m wise and delicate which isn’t true. But he thinks it is because he loves me so much.”
“Honey, I know when you’re young, these relationships can seem exciting, but what are your long-term plans? Does this man fit into them?”
“How would marrying a biker affect my goal to be a redneck woman with a baby on my hip and Christmas lights up all year long?”
“It’s a song, Papa.”
“Can’t you be serious for a minute and talk to me?”
“Can’t you be happy that I’m happy? Can’t you support the fact that I’m not you, but that’s okay because I’m your daughter and you love me? I mean, I love you and support you even though your life is probably the most tedious grind I’ve ever witnessed.”
“My life might not involve running off with criminals and living by a weird code, but I never have to worry if my bills are paid or if I’ll eat the next day.”
“I’m not worried about those things either. I have a job. Emmett does too. We have food, and our bills are paid. We just don’t make that our entire life focus. You care way too much what other people think.”
“Shouldn’t I? Hell, shouldn’t you?”
“No, but that’s how I am, and I accept how you’re different. We’re different. You make appointments to see your family. You’re careful with what you say and do around people. You care about the opinions of strangers. None of that makes any fricking sense to me, but I respect your decisions to care about pointless crap. I’d hope you can respect my decision to care about crap you think is crazy.”