Damaged and the Outlaw Page 3
Vaughn finished his beer then smiled. “I’ll give you oral. No vibrator in the world can say the same.”
Holding his gaze, I was silent until finishing my beer. Finally, I gave Vaughn a smile and nodded.
“One night of empty awesome sex. Tomorrow, we act like acquaintances, not even friends. I want to be someone you barely remember exists.”
“No problem, gingersnap. Do you like Harleys? Mine really likes snuggling between a hot girl’s thighs?”
“Stop while you’re ahead.”
Standing up, Vaughn held out a hand. I ignored his gesture and stood up on my own. When I noticed the two guys still watching us, I flipped them off before taking Vaughn’s arm.
“Like they ever had a chance,” I muttered and Vaughn’s smile grew.
“Takes a special man to talk a girl out of abstinence.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself.”
As we arrived at his black Harley, I admitted it looked pretty fucking sexy. He’d make it sexier when he wrapped his strong legs over…
As if sensing my brain was already in horny overdrive, Vaughn leaned down and kissed me. Just a gentle peck lacking any heat. I frowned at him as he climbed on the motorcycle.
“That’s it?” I asked, not climbing on.
As the Harley roared to life, Vaughn laced his fingers through my hair and tugged me closer for another kiss. This one was deeper as his tongue explored mine. With Vaughn tasting like beer and smelling like chocolate, I nearly orgasmed right there. Instead, I climbed on and imagined him naked under me.
I only had myself to blame for our inability to get to bed before my panties came off. During the ride to his place, I couldn’t keep my hands off of him. Vaughn smelled so good and his skin was perfection under my fingertips. I’d never been any good at restraining myself when aroused like I was with him. My hands slid under his shirt, exploring hot flesh. I caressed the thick hair on his chest before moving to his thighs.
Vaughn was the epitome of a MC enforcer, never showing the least bit of arousal besides his erection. He never glanced back, made a sound, or wavered while driving. Vaughn was the focused stud all the way to his place. As soon as we arrived and I slid off the Harley, his fingers were in my hair. He kissed me like a man possessed. Once Vaughn climbed off his bike, I climbed on him.
He carried me inside that way. In the elevator, he pressed the button without releasing my lips. We were locked together while I rubbed my hips against his, searching for relief our clothes wouldn’t allow.
Vaughn tasted so good that I refused to stop kissing him. Somehow, he managed to unlock his door while tangled with me. He stumbled inside the apartment, shoved the door closed, flipped on a light, and pressed me against the wall.
“Fuck,” he muttered against my neck before sucking the flesh between his teeth.
“Fuck is right. Now, harder, better. Don’t stop.”
Maybe Vaughn laughed, but I couldn’t hear him over my moans. After the bastard no doubt left a big fat hickey on my neck, he lowered me to the ground. Even barely able to stand, I tried to re-climb him.
Instead, Vaughn yanked up my shirt and lowered his lips to my chest. Realizing he was getting acquainted, I squirmed under the heat of his tongue on my skin. Wanting more, I tugged his hair loose and ran my fingers through the blond strands.
Vaughn nipped at my waist then shoved up my bra and latched on like he wanted me to wake the neighbors. Crying out as he sucked then bit at my nipples, I was so close to shoving my fingers into my shorts and giving myself relief. The fucker was too sexy and I wanted to see, taste, and know every inch of him.
Suddenly, he looked up at me and demanded, “Say my name.”
My pride wouldn’t allow me to submit, so I mumbled, “What was it again? Vinnie? Vance? Something with a V, right?”
His response was to pop the button on my shorts and tug them down to my ankles. I kicked them off along with my sandals then struggled to act unimpressed. Vaughn grinned in a way that made me a little nervous about what happened next. He likely sensed my fear because his grin widened.
A kneeling Vaughn licked his lips then focused on the part of my body wanting him more than any other.
“You’ll remember my name soon enough,” he promised, lifting my leg and resting it over his shoulder.
Even though I wanted desperately to reply in a smartass way, his hot breath on my pussy made words a memory. The first lick sent me into a near brain-dead stupor. When he sucked at my clit, I would have toppled over if he didn’t hold me still.
While unable to speak, I still made noises I would laugh about the next day. At the mercy of Vaughn’s hungry lips, I was in a state of heat like I’d never known before.
I came quickly, yet Vaughn didn’t relent. Sucking steadily, he sent me over the edge again, stealing my ability to stand. By the time he stood in an easy movement and lifted me onto his hips, I was his slave.
“Say it,” he whispered in my ear while kicking off his jeans.
“Vaughn Fucking Majors.”
A smirking Vaughn wrapped me into his arms and thrust hard inside my body. Resting my forehead against his shoulder, I tightened my legs around his hips and held on as he fucked me so hard I begged him to never leave. No man should have such power over me, yet there we were.
Chapter Four - Vaughn
For a guy like me, chicks often blurred together. On a few occasions, I unknowingly banged the same girl and nearly found myself in a relationship. My lack of interest wasn’t a slam on the chicks and their qualities. No doubt many were amazing and would make another guy fall to his knees and beg to worship her. I wasn’t ever going to be that guy. Dead men walking made no attachments.
Yet, I could get used to having Raven around. Carrying her to my bed, I loved how she clung to me. Clearly unsatisfied, her pussy sucked at my cock. Never truly losing my erection before she got me hard again, I leaned her on the bed and kissed her hard. She sucked at my tongue hungrily then bit my lip in a kind of challenge.
Pulling away, I frowned down at her. She frowned back and there was definitely a challenge in her gaze. Was I still the guy who made her say my name or had I gone romantic on her? Even knowing the answer, Raven insisted I prove it again.
Shoving deeper into her, I held her gaze then grinned. “What’s your favorite movie?”
“None of your business.”
“Tell me.”
“I hate movies,” she moaned, tightening around me. “I hate them more than I hate you.”
Laughing, I slid out of her and relaxed on the bed. “Your hate makes my cock sad.”
Now, Raven laughed as she climbed on me. “What’s your favorite movie?”
“Old Yeller.”
Laughing again, Raven scratched at my chest before guiding my very grateful dick back inside her.
“Tell me your favorite movie,” I demanded, pinching her nipples. “Submit to my power over you.”
Raven laughed so hard she snorted which made me lose my fake glare. Smiling up at her, I loved how her blonde hair was like a curtain around her face. When she leaned down, Raven kissed me softly then playfully bit my lower lip.
“You’re so fucking hot,” she moaned, rolling her hips and making me groan.
“I know,” I muttered, taking her by the waist and encouraging her to slow down.
Pushing away my hands, Raven gave me a smirk. “I’m on top. You need to just lay there like a blowup doll while I enjoy you.”
“I could roll you over.”
“You won’t. I sense you’re lazy.”
Smiling, I clasped my hands behind my head and watched her. Raven’s eyes were closed as she rode me fast before slowing down. She lifted her hips high until I nearly left her then they came down hard. Next, she made small movements with her hips while tightening around me. As if she was experimenting and I was simply attached to what interested her.
“Are you having fun?” I asked when her eyes remained closed for too long.
“I’ve missed fucking and your cock is…” Raven didn’t finish. Instead, she found a perfect rhythm and I was the one who couldn’t speak for the next few minutes. Her fingers went between her legs and I felt her stroking her clit. It wasn’t long before I felt almost unnecessary. Hell, should I be offended to be a piece of meat when it was my idea to fuck without strings attached?
Just to prove she knew I was there, Raven moaned my name as she orgasmed hard. Her hot pussy clenched around me just right and I came too. My hands returned to her hips and I guided her so the waves of pleasure were just right. My eyes were closed as I soaked in all she gave me. When I opened them, Raven was grinning at me.
“Having a fuck buddy is fun,” she said, leaning down to kiss me.
This time, she didn’t bit my lip. There was something soft and sweet about her expression too. Her hands teased my chest hair while her pussy gently sucked at my cock.
“Abstaining was a great idea in theory,” she whispered, nuzzling my neck. “In reality, I needed a hot guy to hump. I’m so glad you showed up with your shitty pick up lines and sexy bod.”
“You want me too much to be healthy,” I teased, hard again from her teasing. “It’s a sickness.”
“I’ll bore of you soon. Don’t worry.”
“Why won’t you tell me your favorite movie?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Because you won’t tell me.”
Raven grinned. “Is Old Yeller really your favorite movie?”
“No. Tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.”
“I’m not that interested,” she said, sliding off me and leaving my hard-on grumpy.
“Are you leaving?”
“Do you want me to?” she asked, a challenge in her voice as she rested on her back and stared at the ceiling.
Instead of verbalizing my answer, I placed her hand on my cock.
“Oh, you’re still horny, huh?” she teased, grinning now. “Well, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m fucked out.”
“Really?” I asked, licking her hard nipple. “You sure wore out fast. I must be too much man for you.”
“I guess,” she said, running her fingers through my hair. “Or maybe I’m already bored.”
“Let me see if I can rekindle your interest, cheeky,” I said, exploring her soft skin.
Raven watched me lick and nibble at her flesh. When I looked up at her and our gazes met, there was something too perfect about the expression in her fair blue eyes. A smile lingered on her lips and I couldn’t help myself. Kissing her gently, I wanted her to feel beautiful and protected. Raven Hancock should feel like a princess in the arms of her prince. Mostly, I hungered to learn everything there was to know about the blonde goddess underneath me.
Exploring her body, I discovered a Tinker Bell tattoo on her back, just above her left shoulder blade. The fairy sat on a sparkling purple mushroom with a pink butterfly resting on her knee and a blue one flying up into the clouds. So detailed it nearly seemed real, I sensed the tat was done by Aaron. Few guys were capable of creating such emotion in a cartoon character’s expression.
Around midnight, I discovered another interesting fact about her. While Raven didn’t mind getting rough during sex, she was considerably less cool with anything rough when no longer aroused.
As she crawled past me on the bed to tug off my remaining sock, I playfully slapped her ass. Raven immediately swung around and slapped me across the face.
“Don’t ever hit me,” she hissed.
Rubbing my face, I realized she was seriously ready to claw my face off. I found this overreaction oddly endearing.
“I was playing,” I told her.
“No man will hit me. I’m no one’s bitch.”
“Playing,” I said, leaning back on the dark silky sheets.
“I refuse to be dominated.”
Giving her a grin, I reached out and caressed the hand that hit me. “Is that your way of saying you want to be on top again? Have at it, Dixie cup. I’m ready for another round.”
Raven glared at me for a long time. Eventually, a smile slid across her face. “Fuck that. I’m tired. You serve me.”
“What makes you think I want to be dominated?”
“You have a look about you,” she said, tugging off the sock that survived hours of naked play. “I just sense you’re a natural submissive.”
We were both laughing when my lips met hers. As Raven’s arms wrapped around me, she squirmed around until comfortably on the bottom. Soon, her legs tightened around my hips.
“Serve me, hot stuff,” she murmured.
“At your command, cookie.”
Raven’s smile was like magic and I could get used it. An hour later, she fell asleep with that smile on her gorgeous face.
All of the angry energy clinging to Raven disappeared when she slept. She rested on her back with her hands up by her shoulders. When the early morning light lit up her hair splashed around her face, there was something terribly vulnerable about Raven. The best fuck of my life looked like an angel, yet I suspected she was sent by the devil.
A man like me should never wake up completely satisfied. He should never look at the one night stand next to him and want to cuddle up against her. Raven wasn’t the first beautiful woman I enjoyed and she wouldn’t be the last. I promised myself she was only a great fuck and I could let her fuck someone else.
Lies were my friends. I told them daily. Death wasn’t something to fear. Regrets never lingered in my thoughts. I was a man without a past or future and I was fine with this fact. I was alone which suited me. Wasn’t I born a loner? Wasn’t I happy with my life? Of course, I was. Lies kept me sane when the truth only kicked me in the balls.
Raven didn’t lie to herself. She accepted her flaws then tried to fight them. Her biggest flaw was her bad taste in men. I didn’t know the guys who fucked her over. Lark mentioned a few and they sounded like real losers. As I ran a finger across Raven’s perpetually pouty lips, I didn’t understand why she wasted her time with such idiots. She was gorgeous and strong. She could have anyone. Fortunately for me, she had bad taste and ended up in my bed despite her better judgment.
I didn’t usually bring chicks to my apartment. If things went sour or she got clingy, ditching a girl was easier when she was already home. When I did the fake dating thing, I might bring one to my place. It was all for show since I knew I wasn’t boyfriend material. Even if I didn’t have a death sentence hanging over my head, I was a jackass. Maybe I’d always been a jackass, but my shit definitely got worse these last few years in Ellsberg.
In a lying mood, I admired Raven and wondered if I could make a short-term relationship with a girl like her. She was messed up and already knew how to deal with a broken heart. If we were together and I fucked up or got killed, she’d just cry and move on. Well, maybe not cry. Raven didn’t seem like a chick who cried.
I’d never seen anyone wake up the way Raven did when I rubbed her lips again.
Hands in fists, she swung at the air, too asleep to know where the threat might be. I watched Raven scramble to the end of the bed. Her hands touched between her legs then she eyed me like maybe I’d taken advantage of her and she might need to kill me now. The whole thing was fascinating and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
“Good morning.”
“Fuck you,” she growled, still confused.
“I wore you out, huh?”
Raven’s angry panicked eyes narrowing, she glared at me. “If anyone was worn out, it was you. I’m surprised I didn’t break your dick.”
“Who said you didn’t?” I said, causing her to smirk. “I might need a little cast for it.”
Raven finally smiled for real. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”
“We could test it out,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows.
“I need to leave.”
“It’s barely six.”
“Sleeping over is a mistake.”
“True,” I said, tossing aside the she
ets to show how a little cast wasn’t in my future. “Of course, I don’t know if walking will be an option after I’m done with you. Better for you to go while you can still move.”
“What’s your plan exactly?” she asked, wrapping her hair into a messy ponytail. “Bait me into fucking you into submission? What makes you think I’m not bored of you already?”
“Your nipples are pointing at me. They’re giving you a hint, I think.”
“Nipples do that in the cold. Your dick is the one begging for me to give a shit. Admit it, you want it more.”
“I want it more.”
Raven’s cocky expression eased into a rather sweet smile. “I admire your honesty, Vaughn.”
As she crawled over to me, I sighed. “I love when you say my name.”
Raven stopped and glared at me. “I should clean up and go.”
“Don’t make me beg.”
“You would, wouldn’t you? Pathetic,” she hissed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Poor little guy.”
I pinched her left nipple. Gently though, so not to piss her off. Mostly, I wanted to show how her teasing was only prolonging the inevitable.
“Morning breath is gross,” she said, crawling over me and giving a lick to my wolf howling at the moon tattoo on my chest. “You look horrible in the morning. I don’t like you at all.”
“I think you’re awful too,” I said, sucking at her bottom lip. “Good thing we’re just fuck buddies because spending too much time with you would make me puke.”
Reassured by my words, Raven relaxed against me. As her chilled skin warmed, I swear I saw her eyes warming too. Hell, if I wouldn’t want to see that look every day of my life.
“After I break your dick, I’m leaving,” she whispered into my ear before giving the lobe a nip.
Smacking her ass lightly, I took her jaw and forced her gaze back on mine. “I drove us, so are you planning to walk back to your car?”
“No, asshole,” she whispered, stroking my cock just right before caressing her pussy with the head. “I’ll just steal your fucking bike. You left your keys in your jeans. I believe they’re somewhere near the front door.”