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Damaged and the Outlaw Page 4
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Page 4
“Fuck,” I groaned as she teased me by sliding my cock inside her an inch then pulling away. “Steal it. I don’t care.”
“I wasn’t asking for your permission, but thanks, lover,” she said, pressing downward and taking me in one hard thrust. “I’m glad I didn’t break it last night.”
“You and me both,” I whispered, running my fingers down her slim shoulders.
A good hard fuck later, she stared at me in a sleepy way. Raven needed more rest after all our fun. I know I sure as hell did.
“My dick needs a nap,” I told her while brushing hair away from her face.
“I should go.”
Resting on my back, I sighed. “I need a nap too.”
“After we sleep, you’ll drive me to my car, so I can go home?” she muttered with her eyes half closed.
“No, we’ll get something to eat then I’ll take you to Jodi’s for your car.”
“Getting something to eat sounds like a date and I’m not dating anyone,” she said, forcing her eyes open.
“It’s not a date, crabapple. We’re friends with benefits. We’ve done the benefits. Now, let’s do the friend crap.”
“I don’t want to be your friend,” she said, cuddling up against my arm.
Smirking, I pulled a sheet over us. “Of course, you do. I’m awesome.”
“I don’t want to eat with you.”
“You need to keep your strength up, Raven, because I’m really looking forward to fucking you at your place. Doing a chick in more than one location is my thing.”
A grinning Raven nuzzled the “Hungry Like a Wolf” tattoo on my shoulder. “You’re an idiot.”
“Fuck you, darling. I’m the Einstein of the Reapers. Now, shut up and go to sleep.”
Once again, Raven dozed off with a smile on her face. I followed her into sleep and woke hours later to find her in the shower. The little bitch tried teasing me with a sexy dance before attempting an escape when I needed relief. Catching her, I pulled Raven under the water where she struggled lamely until giving up and climbing me.
“I want to say no,” she murmured as I filled her. “Make you suffer and beg, but you look too damn sexy wet. I can’t help myself.”
“I don’t blame you,” I whispered in her ear. “I’ve seen myself wet.”
Raven laughed and held on as I fucked her hard. She got so loud that I didn’t want to stop. The sounds of her moans were like music and my name on her lips was like applause. Holding her as we caught our breath, I told myself I was simply in lust with her hot body and feistiness. Unfortunately, I was curious about the rest of her too. The dressed Raven interested me more than I should ever allow.
Wearing my tee over her shorts, she studied the sink counter. “You smell like chocolate.”
I handed her the Axe spray. “It brings all the girls to the yard.”
Raven laughed again while spraying herself. Her voice had a rough quality like a ballsy truck stop waitress. Maybe it was the cigarettes, but I suspected she always sounded that way. The toughness of her voice and attitude fought against the face of an angel.
When she was relaxed, Raven was the picture of innocence. When she was feisty, she was sex kitten personified. When she was angry, I worried she would neuter me. Raven was a winning combination.
“What’s with all the wolf tats?” she asked, tracing the one on my back. “Wait, is there a sob story behind them because I’m not really interested in pitying you.”
Glancing over my shoulder at her, I smirked. “Lone wolf, daisy. My wolves are always alone.”
“And the skulls and grim reaper tats are because you’re a bad ass, I take it,” she said, now examining the Reapers Motorcycle Club tattoo. “This was once a Devils tat, right? Aaron said it was a bitch to cover up.”
Raven likely heard my dark tone because she stopped messing with my tattoos and focused on the line of hair from my belly button to where I quickly got hard. If she hoped to distract my bad mood with another round of sex, she was successful.
Finally dressed and out the door, I was ready to eat a big lunch and enjoy Raven at her place. The whole scenario of following her from the bar to the Johansson property was set in my head. All I needed to do was keep Raven from getting any ideas about returning to abstinence.
We walked to the underground garage where my bikes and truck were parked.
“Here’s my hog,” I said, gesturing at the mint black Harley. “You might remember it from the time it was between your legs.”
Raven shrugged. “I’ve seen bigger.”
Laughing, I kissed the top of her head. “You are such a little liar, peaches.”
“Stop with the nicknames.”
“I’ll find one that fits you then you’ll have it tatted on your ass and the world will applaud. Just you wait, dumpling.”
Raven tried to act offended, but she was in a good mood and her smiles came easily. Climbing on the Harley, she sighed.
“Lark warned me about you,” she said, resting her cheek against my back. “Said you were charming and funny. She’s right. You are funny. The charming crap might be a figment of her imagination brought on from all those pregger hormones.”
Glancing back at her, I grinned. “Hey, sugar, if you want charming, I’ll charm the shit out of you. First, we eat.”
Raven tightened her grip around me as I started the Harley. During the ride to Denny’s, my mind wandered. The last twelve hours had changed me somehow. From watching Raven fighting to finding her at the bar to taking her home and now with her wrapped around me, I was different. I didn’t like different.
When we arrived, I decided to put a stop to the lies I was telling myself about Raven. Instead of showing her how I felt, I was cold. I didn’t open the door for her or wait for her to walk with me to the table. As I looked over the menu, I pretended Raven wasn’t sitting feet from me with a frown plastered on her face.
We ordered then I stared out of the window. Raven sighed, took out her phone, and ignored me. Now, I was irritated to have her focus off me.
“You’re being rude,” I told her.
Lifting her gaze to mine, Raven smiled slowly. It was a predator’s smile and I found myself turned on.
“If I don’t pay attention, will you cry?” she asked.
I smirked. “Maybe. Are you willing to risk it?”
“No skin off my ass if you embarrass yourself.”
“Cheater,” I said, leaning back. “Talking about your ass to win an argument is bullshit.”
Raven’s smile faded. “You suck.”
“True. Just long enough to make you scream.”
“Don’t act cute now. If you want to treat me like shit, that’s your right. I can give as good as I get.”
“Are we talking about fucking again?”
Raven’s expression ended my smile. In that moment, I remembered why she was abstaining. She had bad luck with men. They jerked her around and I was doing it now. When faced with their bullshit, she walked away and shut down her feelings. I was risking the same thing. Unwilling to end our new fuck buddies arrangement, I sighed.
“I’m sorry. I’m not used to this morning after chatting stuff.”
“Then, why did you want to chat?”
“You’re the first chick I’ve banged that was in the crew.”
“Banged?” Raven said, grinning. “Now, that’s the lack of romance I was looking for from our relationship.”
“I don’t want you getting clingy,” I said, throwing the blame on her.
Raven reacted just as I expected with a middle finger in my direction. Grinning, I took her hand and stroked the bruised fingers.
“Why the Thunderdome?”
“I have only a few skills and I’ve already tried stripping.”
“You were a stripper?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow and remembering her dance in the shower earlier. “Like with lap dances?”
Raven yanked her hand away. “Don’t judge me.”
sp; “I’m not,” I said, kicking her foot under the table. “Don’t be so sensitive.”
“People think strippers are all whores and that’s bullshit. I mean, I’m a little bit of a whore and most of the girls I knew were too, but some weren’t. It’s a fucked up stereotype.”
“Maybe the non-whores were the exceptions to the rule?”
“Eat shit, jackass.”
“You’re sure protective of those non-whore strippers.”
Raven smiled a bit. “One of them was really sweet. She was taking care of her sick mom. You shouldn’t assume anything about people.”
“You assumed I was an asshole.”
“I didn’t assume shit. I knew you were an asshole. Everyone told me you were and they weren’t wrong.”
Laughing, I took her hand back in mine. “I don’t like seeing someone as hot as you bruised up, but I don’t judge you fighting for money. We all do what we can. Look at me and my work. Not exactly a dream job, but I’m big, strong, and don’t mind hurting people. Not a lot of jobs for a guy with my skill set. I was never good at school. I hate computers and have no patience with fixing things. I had the choice of being an enforcer or a gigolo.”
Raven smacked my hand away. “Stop being charming, you dipshit.”
“I’ll try, but it just comes so naturally for me.”
“Why not a gigolo?”
“I’m too shy.”
Raven laughed. “That’s too bad. I’d pay to fuck you.”
“Of course, you would. I’d totally pay to have you give me a lap dance.”
“You couldn’t afford me.”
“I don’t know. I’ve been saving up for something special. This could be it.”
Resting her arms on the table then her head against them, Raven smiled at me. “You’re such a pompous ass. Normally, I’d hate that, but I find it endearing in you. I guess it’s the friends crap.”
“Probably,” I said, stroking her lips with my finger. “How long do you think you’ll fight at the Thunderdome?”
“Until they outlaw walkers in the cage.”
“That long, huh?”
“If I keep getting my ass kicked, I’ll need a walker by twenty five. You fucking me will probably speed up the process.”
“It’s true. What I lack in creativity, I make up for by being a vigorous fucker.”
As Raven studied me with a heavenly expression, I was overwhelmed with the urge to hold her. I also had the urge to keep my balls out of her purse. It was a tough call, but my ass remained on my side of the table.
“So what happens now?” she asked when our food arrived. “Do we call each other when we’re horny then hook up and go our separate ways?”
“I’d need to keep you on speed dial.”
“Like do we hook up on weekends or what? Or do we just act like friends now?”
“Why act? Are you saying you don’t like me?”
Raven grinned. “Don’t force me to make you cry here, Vaughn.”
“Man, I love when you say my name,” I murmured. “I prefer when you scream it. Either way, it sounds great in your voice.”
“My truck stop waitress voice?”
“Your Demi Moore voice. It’s sexy.”
“Imagine my voice on a kid. Just weird.”
“Probably, but you’re not a kid anymore.”
“So you grew up here in Ellsberg?”
“Off and on. My mom was always chasing some loser. Sometimes, the loser left the state trying to outrun her.”
Raven’s mom was a bitch. While Lark never said so, Bailey did often and loudly. I knew the stepdad was a fucker too and I’d enjoyed stealing his prized antique car and watching Aaron trash “Gloria.”
“You’re Cooper’s age. Did you two ever hook up in high school?”
“Would you cry if I said yes?”
Rolling my eyes, I felt the heat of jealousy in my gut. I didn’t expect Raven to be a virgin. In fact, I was thrilled she wasn’t since I was too lazy to train chicks. I might not care that she’d fucked guys before, but I didn’t want those guys to be my boss or friends.
“I had boyfriends in high school and I don’t cheat. Cooper was hot, but he wanted a bang and hang chick. I wanted to fall in love and have a man save me.”
“Save you from what?” I asked in a low tense voice, imagining the horrors of shitty stepdads and their wandering eyes.
“I don’t know,” Raven said and I believed her. “I don’t like having anyone tell me what to do and I feel strong enough to survive on my own. Still, I wanted to be the damsel saved by my knight. It was stupid, but I kept thinking each guy was the one to make me happy. I’d latch on and they’d suck and I’d ignore it. They say love makes people blind, but I think it’s just desperation. I was desperate to be in love, so I was blind to anything that might interfere with my fantasy.”
“What changed?”
“I realized love is overrated.”
“It really is.”
Raven smiled in a soft way that made me want to touch her. I thought about reaching out and caressing her cheek. Just a minor gesture of affection, but I sensed she would know it meant more. Raven would rebel at the idea of true intimacy. Then, I would rebel at her telling me I was whipped. It wouldn’t end well, so I kept my hands to myself.
“I love Lark and I’m going to love her babies. One day, I’ll love Aaron. He’ll be like a brother. For now, he’s the guy I’m waiting to fail her.”
“Aaron’s a good guy.”
“I know. It’s not him that makes me worry. It’s every man before him. Aaron is great and Lark smiles so much when he’s around. Not that fake smiling shit either. She really smiles. She laughs too. A lot. Even as sick as she is lately, she’ll laugh at these looks he gives her. That kind of love feels weird to me. Feels like a lie, but Lark isn’t a fool and I trust in her and Aaron.”
“It isn’t easy being on the outside,” I admitted. “Judd and I were tight. We spent a shitload of time together. Not talking or having feelings, but I had someone to sit next to me and drink beer with. We played pool every night and had sex with different chicks every night and woke up alone every morning. We were the same. Now, he’s whipped and Tawny walks around with his balls in her purse. I asked once if we could take his balls out occasionally and let them breathe, but she just laughed. Tawny’s sneaky that way.”
A giggling Raven reached across the table and caressed my hand. Even though I sensed she was fucking with me, I enjoyed the feel of her.
“I’d ask why you don’t want to be whipped, but I sense there’s a long heartfelt story behind it and I’ll feel sorry for you and I’m not really in the mood to feel pity. Maybe after a few more orgasms, I can fake sympathy. We’re just not there yet, champ.”
“I like that nickname,” I said, taking her hand between mine. “Stud works too. King Cock is another favorite.”
“How about Cock-A-Doodle-Doo?
“Too cartoony. I need something manlier. Cockinator.”
Laughing, Raven yanked her hand away. “How about Robo Cock or White Cock Down? Ooh, Cockageddon.”
“Independence Cock,” I suggested, laughing as I drank my juice. “Cock Hard or Cocky. You know the third one where Cocky goes to Russia.”
Raven snorted. “Cocks on a Plane. No, Planet of the Cocks.”
“Kindergarten Cock,” I said and Raven balked. “Did I take that too far?”
“Perv. Oh, how about World War C?”
“Too subtle.”
“Iron Cock or Cock of Steel. You know, if you’re interested in the superhero route.”
“Star Trek and superheroes. I sense the nerd is strong in this one.”
“Fuck off. I saw the videogames at your stag shack.”
“Wanna come over and play sometime?” I asked, giving her a wink. “Then, after we’re done playing, we can do that videogame thing you mentioned.”
“Hang out time like you shared with Judd?”
hardening, I glared at her. “I never fucked Judd.”
“Why? He’s hot.”
Unable to keep up the façade, I laughed. “He’s a pretty fucker, ain’t he?”
“Oh, yeah,” she sighed and I stopped laughing. Raven noticed and it was her turn to laugh. “He’s got those beautiful eyes.”
“They’re beady rat eyes.”
“He’s so strong.”
“Puny girly man.”
Raven licked her lips. “I bet he hung too.”
I showed her my pinkie finger. “He’s barely this big when hard.”
“And how do you know that if you two never fucked?”
“Fine, we fucked, but we were pretty drunk and he is really pretty.”
Raven nearly fell off her chair laughing. I felt intensely proud to make her lose her cool so thoroughly. After calming down, Raven threw up her hand and I high fived her.
“You win,” she said, catching her breath. “I’ll play videogames at your place after fucking your brains out. Make you forget all about sexy Judd.”
I loved how pink her cheeks were from laughing. They were different than when we fucked. Raven seemed less guarded now and the way she looked at me put all of my worries back into overdrive.
“Don’t fall in love with me,” I warned, finishing my drink. “I know I’m charming and every girl’s dream, but I’m in no position to be your Cock in Shining Armor.”
“Don’t worry about it, Raiders of the Lost Cock.”
Laughing, I hoped she kept her word. Deep inside, I got the impression if Raven ever focused all of her power on me that I’d beg to have my balls in her purse.
“I’m tired,” she said, stretching. “After you nail me at my place, feel free to get the hell out so I can sleep.”
“Well, gee, you’re making me feel like a piece of meat.”
Raven smiled softly. “I like when you pretend to have feelings. It’s really sexy.”
“What was your last man like? Did he have feelings?”
Raven’s smile faded. “He was a turd. They’re all turds because that’s my type. I’m drawn to losers.”
“You’re drawn to me and I’m not a loser.”
Smirking, Raven nodded. “Why do you say things like that if you don’t want me to make you cry?”
“Who says I don’t? If my feelings turn you on, I’m all for faking what needs to be faked to get you wet.”