Train Wreck (Rawkfist MC Book 3) Page 6
I’d love to drive to my place and have her meet the cat. We could order pizza and talk on the back patio. Then I’d carry her inside and pop the cherry she’s saved for me.
No doubt I’d refuse to let her go afterward. I’d keep Poppy at my disposal until her family burst through the door to forcibly remove her from my clutches.
By the time we arrive at Rolling Roni’s Ribs, my lust is under control. At least until Poppy flashes her legs for me again.
I’m so focused on keeping my dick on a short leash that I don’t notice right away how Poppy looks pissed. She climbs off the Harley quickly and glances around like she’s on the warpath. Remaining on the idling bike, I wonder what’s gotten her riled up.
“Are you ditching me?” she asks, frowning at the Harley. “What’s the deal?”
“You look pissed.”
“I exist beyond my interest in you, Hoss.”
“What’s that mean?”
“Turn off the Harley,” she orders, and I obey because she’s sexy as hell when bossy.
“Done. Now fess up.”
“I saw people I hate walking into the restaurant. There’s no avoiding those losers in a small town.”
“Want me to go inside and scare them off?”
Smiling at my threat, she shakes her head. “Nice offer though.”
“I could stand next to their table and stare at them until they leave.”
“No, that’s okay,” she says, pressing her warm body against me.
“If they don’t take the hint, I could shit on their table.”
“Really?” Poppy asks, fighting laughter. “Are you able to crap on command? Can’t imagine it’s comfortable walking around with a bullet in the chamber like that.”
Laughing at her words, I don’t know how to respond. No way can I shit on command, but I wouldn’t need to anyway. Few people in this town want me to focus my hate on them. I’ve even gotten my president, Joe, to back down with that stare.
Sure, the guy’s like a hundred, but he was packing heat and his old-man bros had his back. Still, my hate-stare scared him. Didn’t even mean to make him wet his pants. He’d been barking orders while I worried about Poppy hooking up with a high school asshole before she turned eighteen. Raging in my head, I’d managed to scare a room full of men who ought to know better.
“All right, you got me. I can’t shit on their table,” I admit, tugging her closer. “Fired that bullet hours ago. I can piss pretty much on demand. Wanna see?”
“Right now? No. Eventually, of fucking course. I love weird talents. Did you know Justice can swallow a lemon slice and barf it back up?”
“How would she even know she could do that?”
“She was talking and laughing with a lemon slice in her mouth, and the thing went straight down her throat. She barely coughed, and it popped out of her mouth. Then Hal tried to eat it, but he isn’t a lemon man.”
“I could say something about Court being grateful for such a skill, but I’m a gentleman.”
A confused Poppy stares at me. “I don’t get it. Why would Court care?”
“Because of blowjobs, baby.”
“What? I don’t understand. None of what you’re saying makes sense. We best stop talking about it.”
“You’re fucking with me.”
“Whatever do you mean?” she asks, turning to walk inside. Smiling over her shoulder, she gestures for me to join her. “I’m sorry I don’t understand your man stuff. Maybe one day I’ll learn about that blowjob thing. I guess I could google it to see what it is.”
“Uh-huh. Sure.”
Poppy takes my arm and smiles. “Your mama must be so proud of her little boy being able to pee on command.”
“You're kidding, but my ma thinks I hang the fucking moon.”
“Of course she does. What, with you peeing on things and staring at boobs, she must be the proudest ma ever.”
“Keep teasing, but when you meet her one day, you’ll see how proud she is of her boy.”
When Poppy frowns at my comment, I’m shocked she hasn’t considered meeting my family one day. My dick isn’t the only one obsessed with this woman. My heart’s got it bad for the little blonde too.
We sit in a booth away from the high school fuckers Poppy hates. I hope she won’t let them ruin our time. I shouldn’t have worried since she decides her happiness is the best revenge against her enemies.
“Their boyfriends smell like cheese,” Poppy murmurs. “Mine smells like what I assume sex smells like.”
“You keep talking like that, and I’ll show you what sex smells like. Not tomorrow or the next day but as soon as we finish lunch.”
“Unfortunately, I have plenty of hoops I expect you to jump through before we enjoy your bed. I must say I’m looking forward to your sex demonstration, though.”
Grinning, I order a beer while Poppy fails to convince the waitress that she’s a 60-year-old woman named Velda. After her fake ID is returned, Poppy relents and orders a root beer.
“I want to see what I’m like drunk,” she says, stroking my leg with her foot. “People are often the opposite when plastered, so I bet I’ll be weak and weepy.”
“Personally, I like strong, feisty women who can hold their own.”
“I’d be more surprised if you said you liked demure ladies who knew when to keep their mouths shut. Then I’d think you were only dating me for my looks.”
“Can you blame me if I was? You’re the sexiest woman walking the earth. I bet a lot of men want to date you just for your looks.”
“I don’t care what those men think,” she says, holding my gaze. “If I did, I’d be sitting across from them right now.”
“It’s all about Emmett.”
“Yes, Poppy likes Emmett.”
Narrowing my eyes, I know she’s mocking me. Poppy makes snide comments so casually that I’ve been known to miss them on occasion.
“What does Poppy like about Emmett?” I ask, wishing she were sitting on my side of the booth so I could kiss her pouty pink lips.
“You’re tall. Earlham women are very interested in height in their men. You have emotional eyes. I’m lazy and don’t want to spend a lot of time figuring out someone’s mood. My family is real obvious about feelings, and I like how I can read you by looking in your eyes. Like right now, you’re a little irritated but mostly interested in my boobs.”
“Well, they’re really nice boobs.”
“I’m not a boob woman, so I wouldn’t know,” she says and then leans back so I can get a better view of her assets. “I like your smile. It makes me think you’re nicer than you are. A lying smile is the best kind.”
Grinning, I want her sitting next to me. This across the table shit is for people getting to know each other. Poppy isn’t an unknown, and we’re past the curious stage. We’ve reached the point where we only need to iron out the details. After all, Poppy’s owned me since the beginning.
14 Train Wrecks - Poppy
Again and again, Emmett opens his mouth to speak before changing his mind. I’m not used to him caring what he says. The man blurts out the dumbest shit without a care because he knows few people are strong enough to push back against his babble. I’m one of those people, but I enjoy his rude comments. When he’s quiet, I feel lost in an abyss of boredom.
“What’s the problem, Hoss?” I ask when he orders his dinner, stares at me, tries again to speak, and ends up silent.
“I got things on my mind.”
“So does everyone.”
“I don’t know if you’ll want to hear what I’ve got in here,” he says, tapping his head.
“Let’s find out. Spill it, and we can marvel at my response.”
Grinning, Emmett looks more like himself. He’s an easygoing man even when he’s not. I saw him punch a guy in the head while never losing his smile. Life is just what it is for Emmett, and I appreciate his lack of overthinking. Now he’s trying on his genius cap and slowing down our conversation.
�I want you to come to my place,” he says.
“Oh, I know you do.”
“Not just for the fucking.”
“What else is there to do at your place?”
“I got a cat you could meet.”
Frowning, I wonder why he’s never mentioned his cat. “Okay, so how come you couldn’t just say that earlier?”
“I figured you’d think I was thinking about the fucking.”
“And I’d be right.”
“I haven’t gotten laid in so long that I’m not sure it’ll work right. Fuck, probably shouldn’t have told you that.”
“Is your dick still under warranty? Can you call someone to get it tuned up before our big day?”
Emmett leans closer as if sharing a secret. “I’m into you, but I can’t think straight most days because I’m so horny. That’s what I’m thinking. That’s what I didn’t want to tell you because it ain’t romantic.”
“Not true. I’m fairly certain I saw those exact words on a Hallmark card once. Horniness is the theme of a lot of romantic gifts.”
“You don’t understand because you’re a woman and you don’t get horny like a man does.”
“How would you know how horny a woman can get? I might be leaking all over this booth right as we speak.”
I’m fully aware the people at the next table are listening to our conversation. No doubt they don’t want to hear about me flooding the restaurant with my horny fluids, but those are the trials of an eavesdropper.
Emmett shakes his head hard as if trying to break something loose. “I feel like I need to jerk one off in the bathroom just to get through this meal.”
“Why didn’t you do that before you picked me up?”
“I did. Three times. My dick wants nothing more to do with my hand, but it also won’t stop standing at attention whenever I see you or hear your voice or even think of you.”
“There’s no denying I’m seductive. I just don’t know what to do about your problem. I don’t masturbate. I prefer leaking my horniness everywhere. It’s how I scent up my territory.”
“So the booth is your territory now?” he asks, smirking at the thought.
“Yep and your Harley. Jared’s Harley too. My mom’s chair. Every toilet seat I’ve ever sat on. Oh, and Justice’s face. I didn’t see her under a bunch of covers and sat on her head. Yep, she’s mine too now.”
“I want you to come over here and scent up my cock.”
That does it. The nosy people at the next table get up and walk to another spot. I laugh at how they flee, but Emmett only wants me to talk more about my leaking vagina.
“So you expect me to fuck you so we can date? Is that what you’re babbling about, Hoss?”
“That’s about it, but I know you won’t. You’ve got hoops for me to jump through. I get it.”
“You whine like our dog. Calm down and keep your tears in check. I might be willing to offer a one-time fuckathon with a follow-up involving more hoop jumping.”
“I can’t understand half of what you’re saying. All of the blood is in my pants.”
“Sexy. Let me know if it starts leaking all on the floor. I need to protect my new shoes.”
Looking pained, Emmett stands up. “I’ll be back.”
“Are you seriously going to relieve your tension in this restaurant?”
“Not in the main room, but, yeah, I have to blow off a wad if I want to finish this date on a proper note.”
Rolling my eyes, I try not to laugh. “Yeah, nothing says we’re keeping things proper like you jerking off halfway through a date.”
“I knew you’d get it.”
“I was being sarcastic,” I call out as he hurries toward the restrooms.
“I know. So was I.”
Emmett paints an intimidating picture as his large body barrels through the room before disappearing down a hallway. I like how people shrink in fear. I would too if I weren’t too busy staring in awe.
Bored waiting for him to return, I check my phone to find my high school friends messaging each other back and forth about a new video game. I want to jump in, but things have been tense between us lately.
The guys are nerds. Or dweebs. Or maybe they’re geeks. All I know is they don’t fit in with anyone, which worked fine for me when I moved to Tumbling Rock. I didn’t fit in anywhere either. I wasn’t smart enough for the gifted kids or athletic enough for the jocks. I didn’t want to suck a lot of cock, so I couldn’t be a cheerleader or popular girl. I was too bitchy to hang out with the bitchy girls. I was too pretty to be with the normal girls. Everyone had a reason to give me the side-eye when I arrived in town.
The nerds were my joke lunch dates for a while. I sat with them, so I didn’t have to sit alone. They’re good guys, though, and easy to talk to. We bonded over video games and talking shit about other people.
We shared only good times until they got psyched about college while I wanted to stay in Tumbling Rock. Now they’re moving on, and I’m sitting in a booth in a town hot spot while Emmett jerks off.
I’m feeling a little nostalgic by the time my date returns. Emmett slides into the booth and then slides back out. I assume he already needs to jerk off again and wonder how I might reign in my hotness.
Emmett stands next to my side of the booth until I catch the hint and move over. He joins me and plants a big sloppy kiss on my smiling lips.
“Feel better?” I ask.
“Yeah. I’ve wanted to sit with you since we got here.”
“I mean with the bathroom time.”
“Sure, but it won’t last. You’re a walking sex dream.”
“That was my nickname in high school. Oh, no, it was Blonde Bitch. Not to be confused with Brunette Bitch and Redhead Bitch.”
“You were the top blonde bitch? Not bad at all. No doubt you had plenty of competition.”
“I’m glad to be done with high school. I didn’t mind the learning, but the social stuff wore me out.”
“You were friends with nerds, right?”
When Emmett asked about my friends before, he always sounds irritated about them. Today is no different.
“Don’t you think men and women can be friends?”
“I don’t know. I guess they can, but that don’t mean I want guys spending time alone with you.”
“We mostly hang out online these days.”
“Doing what?”
“Mostly sending nude selfies.” Emmett tightens his arm around my shoulders, making me elbow him in the gut. “They’re not here right now, so what’s the point of acting like a caveman?”
“They’re probably thinking about you.”
“No, they’re thinking about if they’ll finally get laid in college.”
“You don’t think they’ve fantasized about you?”
“Of course, they do. They’re teenage boys, and I’m so hot that even I fantasize about me. Thinking something and doing something isn’t the same thing. You’ve been thinking about doing stuff to me since I was in diapers.”
“Don’t make me sound like a perv.”
“Sorry, but you kinda are,” I say, winking at him.
“I didn’t know you were sixteen when I first got hard for you. Once it got hard, my dick couldn’t stop. Knowing your age wasn’t gonna fix that.”
“That’s a really purty story. We should tell it when I meet your mom.”
“You're poking a bear here, woman. Be careful.”
“Listen up, Yogi. If you expect me to put out on the third date, you’ll need to suffer something fierce on the second date. Wouldn’t be fair otherwise.”
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”
“First of all, don’t act sensitive now. It’s just lame. Second of all, I’m not putting out for your benefit. I’m doing it so you might get your brain fixed and stop letting your dick call the shots.”
“I don’t want you thinking I can’t function unless you fuck me. I’m not an animal.”
“Look at you get
ting all self-conscious,” I tease. “I get that you’ve waited a long time in man time to enjoy my sweet virginal body. I don’t blame you for being sick of waiting. I’m very much worth drooling over.”
“I like when you’re overly confident.”
“I know you’re full of shit.”
“All women are. It’s how we survive in a man’s world.”
“Is that right?”
“How would I know? I just make shit up as I go along. Don’t you?”
“Of course. Don’t the geeks?”
“You’re still thinking about my friends, huh?”
“Well, they’re a threat to me.”
“How do you figure?”
“They know you in ways I don’t.”
“Is that your way of asking to play Grand Theft Auto with me?”
“Sure. I’ll do whatever they do, and I’ll do it better. I’ll fucking crush the dweebs.”
I’m horrified by how pissed Emmett becomes about three nerds he could scare with a single look. Hell, they once ran away when I lost my temper during a particularly horrible time on the rag. They’d never stand strong against a biker.
Emmett notices my expression and smiles casually. “I like you,” he says as if that explains everything.
“I like you too.”
Emmett and I watch each other. I’m thinking about how psycho he’s being. He’s no doubt thinking about how I said I’d put out on our next date. He’s also probably imagining cruel punishments for my nerd friends. The guy needs to get laid, so his brain can regain control of the driver’s seat.
Of course, this could be Emmett’s normal way of thinking.
This concern bothers me during the rest of dinner and the ride home. I stop worrying while he and I make out for ten minutes on his Harley with my legs wrapped around his waist. I also forget to stress shit once I’m forced to chase my sisters as payback for interrupting my kissing with a water hose.
After the date, I’m a stupid, sweaty, stuttering mess. Even after a shower, I can’t think clearly. The kissing left me flustered. Emmett’s got great lips, and I lack any experience withstanding the heat that goes straight from my lips to the spot between my hips.
The shower washes away the arousal, but I’m still uneasy. Sitting in the living room with my sisters and Ike nearby, I want to relax. I relax in my corner and watch Journey play with her sleeping baby’s thick hair.